T2C-Energy was founded by the original inventors of the TRIFTS® technology (Tim Roberge, Devin Walker, Dr. Syed Gardezi, Dr. Babu Joseph, and Dr. John Kuhn) in early 2012 as a University of South Florida spin-out with the goal to convert harmful waste gases to renewable transportation fuels. The research that led to the development of this catalyst technology was funded by six agencies over the last nine years. During 2005-08, NASA funded research, seeking alternative ways of producing jet fuel. This work led to the development of our patented egg-shell catalyst. Further developments of the FTS catalyst for converting biomass derived syngas into fuels was funded by the State of Florida, through the Florida Energy Systems Consortium (FESC). This led to improvements in the catalyst synthesis and performance. The Hinkley Center for Hazardous Solid and Hazardous Waste Management funded the initial development of our proprietary tri-reforming catalyst for reforming biogases. In 2012 T2C-Energy received $100,000 as the first place winner of the MegaWatt
Ventures program, an annual clean energy business plan competition sponsored by the DOE. Over the next few years T2C-Energy went on to win multiple business and clean energy awards. T2C-Energy was nominated for Innovation of the Year at the 2013 Biztech Innovation Awards, a collaboration between the Tampa Bay Business Journal and the Tamba Bay Technology Forum. T2C-Energy was awarded the 2013 Sustainability Award at the Southeast Cleantech Open and was chosen to represent the Southeast region at the global competition in California. NCIIA also awarded T2C-Energy with a $25k grant to help accelerate commercialization of the technology. In 2016 T2C-Energy was awarded a $150k SBIR phase I grant followed by a $1M phase II grant from the US Department of Energy. In 2018 T2C-Energy was awarded $124k from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to further facilitate the technology adoption in the commercial market. T2C-Energy has also partnered with USCleanTech and Renovare Fuels for private industry investment and to streamline the commercialization of TRIFTS® technology not only in the US but on a global scale.